Heather Calhoun

Burgess & Associates

Heather Calhoun has helped hundreds of families develop and implement financial and estate planning goals. She has been a source of knowledge for seniors who are trying to navigate through the confusion of retirement planning, addressing the concerns of managing retirement income.

For more information about Heather, see the About Us Tab above.

More information about Heather can be found in the About Us Tab above

Our Most Recent Article

The Hidden Cost of Procrastination and How Delaying Retirement Savings May Hurt You

June 27, 2024

As the tax deadline approaches, the rush to make last-minute retirement contributions becomes familiar. This annual ritual highlights a widespread financial pitfall: procrastination. Financial experts warn that putting off funding your IRA carries a significant price tag – the "procrastination ...

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Heather Calhoun

Burgess & Associates

3322 South Campbell Avenue

Suite P-4

Springfield, Missouri 65807


(417) 581-8220

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